janet thielke
Janet (D.J.) Thielke's short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in New England Review, Bat City Review, Fiction, the Colorado Review, Indiana Review, Ninth Letter, Mid-American Review, and Crazyhorse, among others. A graduate of the University of Southern California and the MFA fiction program at Vanderbilt University, where she was Editor-in-Chief of the Nashville Review, her fellowships include the James C. McCreight Fiction Fellowship at the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing and the Olive B. O'Connor Fellow in Fiction, as well as serving as writer-in-residence at artist residencies such as Ragdale Colony, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Vermont Studio Center, and Hawthornden Castle. She has taught writing workshops at Vanderbilt University, University of Wisconsin, Colgate University, and Oberlin College. Her plays have been produced by Mildred's Umbrella Theatre Company, and participated in festivals such as The Southern Writers Project at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and the Samuel French Off-Off-Broadway Festival of New Plays. Recent honors include being named the 2017 winner of the Gulf Coast Barthelme Prize for Short Prose as selected by Roxane Gay and being listed as among "Other Distinguished Stories" in the Best American Short Stories 2020 Anthology. You can listen to her as the co-host of Whiskey Women Podcast, an insistently unserious feminine take on the historically masculine drink.

(She also writes for young readers under the name Janet Key because, as you can see from her homemade vest, she was a really cool kid.)
2010 - present
2010 - present